Meeting Room Reservations
Reserve a Space:
Click here for more information about this calendar system.
Administrators, case managers, coaches, counselors, and department chairs can login to the calendar to reserve facility space in unrestricted locations (i.e. everywhere except the library and auditorium).
Logged in users can add, edit, and delete their own calendar bookings for unrestricted locations.
Logged in users cannot edit or delete calendar bookings created by other users.
Users and viewers can see all details of a calendar event; please do not include any sensitive information (i.e. student names, links to documents, etc).
Please include your name in the calendar booking ("Event Title" on the request form) so that others can contact you if needed.
Designated calendar administrators and managers are able to add, edit, and delete any calendar entries.
Everyone else ("viewers") can click the "Request to Reserve" button in the top left corner of the calendar to request for an event to be added to a specific calendar; OR, work with your department chair or administrator (or Jessica) to reserve an unrestricted location.
The "Request to Reserve" button MUST be used by everyone to reserve the library and/or auditorium.
To reserve School Counseling's conference room, please contact School Counseling directly.
When booking or requesting to book any of these spaces, please note that some of these spaces are also used as classrooms and availability may not be fully reflected by the calendars below.
Mobile App
iOS and Android users:
Scan the QR code with your mobile device.
Tap Mobile when prompted.
Tap Log In, and enter your Email (or Username) and Password.
Add CalendarWiz to your home screen, to function as an app.
Note: the mobile version does NOT include the button to request a reservation